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Welcome to our November newsletter

Deciding on whether you should have insurance inside super is a common question. We take a look at a few options in this article.

Here, we explore diversification as an investment strategy and how it may benefit you.

Setting aside time to discuss money matters each month helps you build your financial health and better understand your finances. Discover our useful tips for starting a conversation about money, either individually, with your partner or with other family members.

Losing a family member can be even more traumatic if there is a dispute over the will. Here are some tips to give you peace of mind. 

With the holiday season nearly upon us, you may be considering your travel options. When it comes to choosing a travel destination follow your heart and explore your passions.

We love to hear from you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions about our articles in this newsletter on +61 (8) 6243 0013 or email

Kind regards,

Picture Wealth

Should I buy insurance through my super?

Is insurance inside super the way to go? We take a look at your options. Read more >>>


Spread your investments and lower your risk. Read more >>>

How to start a conversation about money

Setting aside time to discuss money matters each month helps you build your financial health and better understand your finances. Discover these useful tips for starting a conversation about money, either individually, with your partner or with other family members. Read more >>>

Yours, mine & ours - estate and succession planning for modern families

The death of a family member can be even more traumatic if there is fighting over the will. Here are some tips to give you peace of mind. Read more >>>

Destinations to fire up your passions

When it comes to choosing a travel destination follow your heart and explore your passions. Read more >>>