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Out with the old in 2024...

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A New Year is a chance to start afresh and move into the year ahead with confidence and optimism that it’s going to be a great one! Part of setting yourself up for a wonderful year can sometimes be letting go things in your life that are not so beneficial for you and may be holding you back from living the life you want.

“You must create space in your life to let new things in. Sometimes the things you're holding onto are the very things that are holding you back." – Unknown

Letting go of something that no longer serves you can be challenging at the time, but in doing so you are not just removing negative habits, thought patterns or physical things that you do not need any more, you are also opening your arms to new possibilities.

Why do we hang on?

It can be easier said than done to let go, though. We are all creatures of habit and tend to gravitate towards the ‘known’.

We tend not to like letting go of the familiar to venture into the unknown, but just because things are comfortable or familiar does not mean they are working for you.

As we move through life, we change and it’s common to find that some of our beliefs, habits, or existing goals, may not work for us anymore. If that’s sounding familiar it might be time to let go.

Liberate yourself

It can be tricky to identify what needs to go, but it’s important to trust your gut. Think about what you are hanging onto that is not serving you well any more – be that a goal that no longer suits where you now see your life going, a job you once enjoyed but that is now not making you happy, or a way of thinking or behaving that does not help you move your life in the direction you want it to take.

Everyone is different, but with a bit of self-examination you can decide how to best lighten your load.

Breaking those bad habits

We all have habits and behaviours we know are not serving us well as we move through life. You might recognise that you are prone to procrastination and it’s interfering with your ability to get things done. Making a conscious effort to address this and develop the discipline to work through a to-do list could be the best move you make to start afresh.

Or you might decide now is the time to address your spending habits and get on top of your finances – ditching the unnecessary purchases and being more mindful in your spending.

Lightening the load

If your emotional baggage is starting to feel like a literal weight on your shoulders, it is time to actively address some of these emotions and lighten the load. Be it past failures, or even previous successes, unresolved anger, hurt and regret, this baggage can weigh us down.

Talking to a trusted friend or seeking professional help can help you identify what’s going on and unpack some of that baggage.

Cutting through the clutter

Of course, letting go might be more about your physical environment rather than your emotions and habits. It’s easy to accumulate ‘stuff’ but often harder to let it go.

It can be a good start to the year to go through your things and get rid of anything that is not serving a purpose, letting go of things that are not useful or don’t give you joy.

Letting go is a process not a destination, once you’ve made your decisions, commit to creating space in your life, allowing you to grow, achieve your goals and move forward with your life in a positive way.

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